Monday, February 3, 2020

Writing a paper regarding the movie Miss Representation Essay

Writing a paper regarding the movie Miss Representation - Essay Example The media is evolving in the way it portrays women for the past few years however it is quite intriguing that it is not completely evolved. Women still play the roles of being sexual objects; little emphasis is made on their educational achievements and careers. However there are few films in the media which try to show women with strong personalities, depicting them as intellectual, self-reliable, unswerving and sincere. However still many images in the media today emphasizes on the traditional woman representation of being emotional, inactive and reliant. Research studies have revealed that may children especially in the adolescent stage heavily rely on the social media to supplement information needs. This really underscores the effectiveness of media in instilling appropriate moral conducts to the children. They follow whatever the media deems good or bad (Lauzen, 1999). It is quite disappointing that women in reality as shown through the media don’t usually support their fellow women who aspire to take up leadership positions. Even though we know that women hold the largest numbers of the electorate. This revelation raises a troubling question; why women still transmit this misconception? This is a shortcoming in the campaign against feminism as revealed in the documentary. There is wide campaign to educate people about the problems that women are experiencing. The irony is that women themselves tend to aggravate the situation instead of improving it. Little is done to help them derive mechanisms of reducing these stereotypic images. Possessing the knowledge alone is not adequate. As Katie Couric reveals that maybe she has been a source of perpetuating the misrepresentation of women in the media through her wearing of short skirts and a revealing blouse during her presentation of various television news programs.

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