Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Organization Selection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Association Selection - Essay Example The Professional Standard Committee routinely audits the RPC to guarantee the opportune change required in the changing condition of Canada in the working environment. The RPC has eight useful components which apply to the scholarly alongside experiential information. The scholastic information depends on the strategies, benefits and accountabilities of the work just as the administration, preparing improvement and human rights alongside installments. Then again, the test information depends on intelligence obtained from the scholastic information. Trial information fuses the moral issues, which empowers to manage the prominent individuals deliberately. The RPC to set up in Canada manages recognizing the likely wellsprings of possibility to help the organization’s vital bearings. The motivation behind staffing is to pull in equipped applicants and to assess the adequacy of selecting by following the benchmarking procedures and logical instruments. Investigating the regions for the choice and setting up the screeningâ€assessment system are likewise key constituents of staffing. It likewise involves building up the method for arrangement dependent on the different ideas, for example, past experience and testing procedures. The ensuing advance identifies with creating contracts for work following the standards of the association wherein any unfortunate behavior may prompt end. Moreover, creating system for keeping up and securing resources of the organization is guaranteed by saving the respect of the workers. (Human Resource Professional of Newfoundland and Labrador, n.d; Catano et al., 2009). Question 2 The arrangement of yearly report of an association based on the enlistment and determination relies upon different utilitarian perspectives. The motivation behind the yearly report is to show the proficiency and adequacy of the capacities. The reason for the enrollment and determination process is to retain the correct individual for the correct situati on as per the aptitudes required. The notoriety of the organization relies upon the representatives of the association. Along these lines, underlining the significance of determination and enrollment is significant. It is one of the directing qualities, which adds to the achievement of the organization. The straightforwardness in the exercises of the workers increases the value of the association. Appropriation of a reasonable methodology for determination and utilizing the best possibility for the correct activity are the key qualities followed by the association. The significance of the R&S procedure relies to a great extent upon the impression of the individual and self-assessment of the individual (Rees and French, 2010). The yearly report will to a great extent center around the key perspectives for drawing in and enlisting staff in the association. These key methodologies are actualized with the end goal of R&S. The capacity of the certified applicants in guaranteeing the accomplishment of the organization objective through their vital choices is esteemed and assessed through the yearly report. The developing needs of the association as per the arrangements and practices are additionally esteemed and assessed all during that time to pass judgment on the viability of the R&S procedure. The certified candi

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Medical Online Care Consultancy Report Essays

Clinical Online Care Consultancy Report Essays Clinical Online Care Consultancy Report Paper Clinical Online Care Consultancy Report Paper A review of three online contenders has been led so as to give an evaluation of the business. In short, contender investigation distinguishes the qualities and shortcomings of contending items or administrations before starting work on models. Since this proposition is a pre-cursor to a model, it is regarded important so as to show how commonplace assignments are accomplished. The upper hands of every item are talked about, and a short rundown of the market position is produced. Directing a contender review offers the advantage of finding qualities and shortcomings of contending items or administrations and to build up a rundown of issues that should be tended to so as to contend viably. The primary inquiry is consistently: what is a contender? A setting of utilization investigation, (who is the planned client? ), of the expected item is significant as it will recognize the clients, the errands, and the setting wherein the item is intended to be utilized. In this proposition the item is an online business that fulfills a client need. The client, normally, is a patient needing clinical consideration, solutions or a clinical conclusion. The way in to a clear contender examination is to concentrate on the client should be adjusted and not on the empowering innovation. The following are study aftereffects of three arbitrarily picked rivals in the online human services industry with a short assessment of each.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Cure for Self Loathing Self-Forgiveness

The Cure for Self Loathing Self-Forgiveness Everything was running smoothly. Her manager had allowed her to be leaving work one hour earlier so as to beat the evening traffic.Her pay remained intact though, giving Mary a sure reason to be glad. Her granny was nonetheless becoming more frail.The doctors prescribed more supplements to take care of her low appetite.Still, there was no improvement and Mary was getting concerned.Then one day it suddenly happened.She had given her some medication then rushed to the nearby store to shop for their supper.She was only going to be away for around 15 minutes.By the time she came back, her house was burning as her neighbors tried putting out the fire.According to reports, an explosion was heard from her house before the fire became visible.Not only had she lost her personal belongings, she had also lost her granny.Her two siblings, Nancy and Shawn, blamed her for negligence.According to them, if she had been there, she could have saved their grandmother.She was all they had for a parent a fter the death of both their father and mother.As a result, Mary became the recipient of many negative words. Her siblings told her that she was cold-hearted and only cared about her stomach. Was it a wonder then that she was fat? Mary then started questioning her own motives.How could she leave a sick old woman alone in a small house which didn’t even have good ventilation? Couldn’t she have gone to the store with her? Or asked a friend or neighbor to check on her?Clearly, she had no love in her heart.Not even for the sick, the old, the needy.Hadn’t she initially rejected the idea of hosting her granny claiming that her house was too small?Seclusion became her way of avoiding the feeling of guilt before her siblings. She didn’t even attend the burial.She was slowly developing a hatred for herself and thought of how much of a bad person she was. To Nancy and Shawn, this was a sign of guilt.Unknown to them, Mary was hurting and slowly disintegrating on the inside.She was also losing friends because she was becoming unavailable.This happened during her first employment.With no family of her own, she has lived alone ever since.Thirty years have gone by and the cords of self-loathing seem to be strengthening by the day. Moving through 10 different jobs in 5 different career fields, her life has been anything but productive.She has always witnessed less-qualified colleagues getting promotions and recognition.Whenever there was a project coming up, she would not be included in the team.For this reason, she further believed that she was not good for anything.But just how did things get to this level?HOW SELF-LOATHING DEVELOPEDMary had become so guilty that her friends could not convince her that it was a mistake.She got two months paid leave from her employer but that didn’t help much. Could it be that the reason is she never went for counseling? That aside, there is something else she actively did.Self-reflection is something we can all utilize.It is suppo sed to be for our benefit.Seeing mistakes done in the past, it should then be easier to make better choices for the days ahead.This, like any other tool, is in your hands. You can do with it what you think best.For Mary, she reflected and saw nothing but the wrong she had done. She had sinned before both man and God.How was she ever going to correct this? Could she correct it?After 5 years of silence, Nancy and Shawn reached out to her and showed her the love she craved for.They talked, visited, spent Sunday afternoons together and assured her that they were hoping to put the past behind them. They also apologized for blaming her for the death of their grandmother.Mary had by now become accustomed to a cold world.The warmth of their love seemed like nothing but a mirage. It was simply not real.With her friends and now family unable to motivate her back to life, the damage continued.The cause?Her own thoughts and convictions about what happened. This affected her work performance and four months after resuming her duties, she was fired.Eager to continue practicing law, she joined another law firm but only practiced for two years. Many clients had lost big business due to bad advice received from Mary.She had to leave.Cycling through other career options, the results were basically the same.Mary had experienced a real situation but believed a lie about certain aspects of it.Whereas she had agreed to live with her grandmother, she did not intentionally kill her.The fire that broke out in her house was not her doing in any way. It was just an electric fault which happened at a time when no-one was near enough to do much.Unfortunately, she sees it differently and attempts to convince her otherwise have been futile.Such is how self-loathing develops.You will always have a situation in the past which you did not handle very well.In some cases, it may be your full responsibility while in others, it may be something beyond your control.The most important question in al l such cases is, how do you respond?It is good to take responsibility for the wrongs that happen in our areas of influence. It is equally necessary to be realistic about the kind and amount of blame you take upon yourself.THE BASIS OF SELF-LOATHINGThere are two very powerful forces inside you.Actually, they are the most powerful of all. Every other force you have borrows or grows from these two.These are Love and Hate.Sometimes referred to as drives, they greatly influence your thoughts, words and actions.Since as a human you are a social being, your interaction with people is what will manifest this influence.Note that people also includes you. Focusing on you, the question then begs, how do you interact with yourself? Do you see the effects of love or hate?Related to these two forces are two powerful states.The states of either being True of False.For example, your thoughts about something could be true or false.If true, your thoughts will be different from when those thoughts are from lies. Incorporating these into our context, it means that the truth determines whether you show love or hate to someone.This someone could be anyone, including you.If you hate yourself, then you are said to be self-loathing. This hatred is determined by either a truth or lie which exists deep inside you. It turns out that lies are more likely to cause hatred than truth.If you give lies a closer look, you will realize that they are attempts to hide the truth.The truth on the other hand comes to either expose the lie or to simply state the correct position.Lies really hurt.Who wants to be lied to, especially about important things in life?This is why many people naturally hate liars. Liars can cause you great pain. Because you don’t want pain in your heart, you will dislike and even hate them so as to stay safe.If you then hate those who lie to you, what happens when you lie to yourself? Will you end up hating yourself?Yet the term ‘self-loathing’ exists to describe those who hate themselves.The challenge here is distinguishing between the apparent two people inside you: the liar and the recipient of the lie.First picture yourself as the victim, because you really are one.You have lied to yourself.What is the outcome? How has the lie affected you?Now picture yourself as the liar. What is the outcome?You will realize that because these two people, the liar and the victim are one person, the answers converge somewhere.The question ‘What is the outcome?’ gives the same answer in both cases. You have hurt and lost a lot.From opportunities to friends, you have lost many things. Your life has become miserable with no joy at all. All this has come from you and is affecting you.From believing the lie you told yourself, you will always see yourself as a bad person. Even worthless. Even when you are given physical evidence to show your importance, you will still reject it.People around you may see good things in you while you don’t. With time, they will stop telling you these good things after noticing that you don’t embrace their appreciation.And why don’t you embrace it?Because you don’t believe it.You have believed that you are such a bad person that nothing good can come from you.Therefore, whatever good people are telling you is just a lie.Maybe they are just trying to get you to think otherwise. Maybe they are even trying to fool you.If you hate yourself because of something you did, you need to find out the truth about the situation.From this article, you will understand how self-loathing comes about. You will also learn how to be free from it through self-forgiveness.To start you off, here’s a video to introduce you to self-forgiveness. There are three questions you will have to ask yourself:What exactly happened?To what extent were you responsible?From whose perspective are you looking at the situation?Having decided that we are interested in the truth and not lie, we have to know what exactly happened.It is obviou s that you were not born with self-loathing. This is something you developed while growing up.From that one act of transgression, you saw yourself as a very evil person. This is still the same view you hold. When finding out the truth, you will have to be honest with yourself.Do not try to go through these questions quickly otherwise you will lose out on its benefit. Your mind already has answers and those are what it will first present.You however need to think through other possible answers so as to ascertain which ones are true. Just purpose to slowly go back in history and retrieve the records of what took place.What Exactly Happened?From our story, a replay of Mary’s past reveals a few things helpful in exposing the lie she unknowingly believed.Mary is hospitable â€" of the three children, Mary agreed to make room and time for her ailing grandmother. This is despite having the smallest house and having a challenging career. Both Nancy and Shawn used the reason (or is it excus e?) of having families to avoid the extra responsibility.Mary is caring   â€" she secured extra time from work to look after her granny. On the fateful day, she opted to first rush home to see how granny was. It is only after administering the medication and confirming that all was well that she went shopping. This shopping was strictly for their supper and she was determined not to spend more than 15 minutes.Mary is responsible â€" she did not argue about the death but showed remorse and took responsibility for the mistake which had happened.With those three truths clear, let’s look at the lies which came up.Mary is negligent â€" this is proven not to be true by the fact that she had first rushed home instead of shopping first. It is only after ensuring that everything was fine that she went to the store.Mary is selfish and was only shopping for herself â€" this was given as the reason she was fat (an accusation that she loved eating). Mary wasn’t shopping for her personal need s but for their supper.Mary is not hospitable â€" she had not objected to host her granny but simply pointed out better living conditions at her siblings’ homes. In any case, it was finally decided that she hosts her and she agreed. Additionally, she had taken good care of her. She bought organic food, cooked it herself, ensured supplements were available and gave her the medication herself. All this with nobody’s help. Just occasional visits by her brother and sister.These lies are what Mary believed.Whenever she made a mistake at work, she would remember the mistake of leaving her granny alone.That caused her to be afraid of what could result from the mistake.This caused her to be too self-conscious and ever ready to avoid making mistakes.She therefore ended up avoiding many activities and tasks.The results?She had nothing to show while her colleagues had conquered many challenges. Would she then blame her manager for promoting them instead of her?The lies bred fear and fear r endered her unproductive. Fear is crippling if not addressed. At the onset, it can be helpful in keeping you safe. If not mastered though, it will guarantee your stagnation in life.To What Extent Were You Responsible?There was an incident which took place and you were involved. But to what extent were you involved?The answer to this question will help you see the borders between your responsibility and other causes of the incident. If you have gotten to self-loathing, it means that you have assumed more than your share of responsibility.Still using our story, Mary’s responsibility went only as far as leaving her granny alone.Realistically speaking, how much could she have done were both inside the house when the fire broke out?The fire consumed almost everything she had. Her suitcases were destroyed as well as furniture. All this within minutes. Isn’t there a possibility she could have been caught up in the fire too?Had it been a gas cylinder explosion, maybe she could have been held responsible. As it is, Mary did what was reasonably right in first caring for her grandmother then heading for the stores.This means that the ultimate cause of death had nothing to do with Mary. With this truth, anything contrary should simply be rejected.Attempts by others or certain thoughts to cast more blame on Mary should be identified as lies.We have seen that lies hurt.Believing lies about yourself makes you see yourself in bad light.Since it is not a good thing to be bad, you attempt to hide it. You then become afraid of it showing and that is when you become crippled by fear.Check the incident you were involved in and do a keen replay of the events. Take time to question the conclusions reached as a result of what was said, seen or believed.There is always someone or something that pushes forth an idea. Just as it happens in criminal investigations, there is what people will say.This is called speculation.The authorities will always advise for people to allow investig ations into the matter.How many times have investigations proven speculators wrong? Yet they will still exist.For the truth to come out, patience is of essence. A thorough job has to be done.Do not rush yourself through this process of questioning. You need the truth so as to see why you should not be hating yourself at all.By the end of this process, you will realize that you allowed lies to run your life. Then, you can work on the solution.This article will show you that you can still make a difference in your life. This is regardless of the stage of life you are in.There is always room for improvement.From Whose Perspective Are You Looking at the Situation?You have hated yourself enough, it’s time you changed your perspective.Why do you need to do that?You have personally experienced the effects of seeing yourself as the villain. The first two questions have no doubt shattered some lies you believed to be truths. You now need to start seeing things from the angle of ‘what if all the things I believed have been lies?’Activate your imagination. Bring out your creativity. What if you were never really responsible for that incident? What if you are so much better than has been known by others? What if you are yet to bring out your best?You know where your responsibility in that incident lied. You know that the extended responsibility was really nothing but a way of explaining things no one understood. You now know that they were wrong all this time.Their definition of you has all along been wrong.More importantly, having believed it, your definition of yourself has all along been wrong.You are only as good as you see yourself. You have so much in you but have never seen.All because it was clouded by lies. Lies that spoke so loudly that the truth became inaudible.Look at life from a new lens and discover the goodness in you. The reason humans cannot live alone is because we have different strengths and capacities.You need to know your strengths and capacit ies.But how do you do this?FORGIVE YOURSELFNow that you have the truth figured out, you should forgive yourself and let go of the past.This is the past that has held you hostage for a very long time. You need to recognize that holding onto that past is limiting you life.You have an opportunity to enjoy and appreciate yourself for the rest of your life.Just as being forgiven by someone gives a great relief, so does forgiving yourself.Guilt causes shame and fear.That is why the guilty always want to run or hide.Forgiveness brings freedom.If forgiven, you become free and fear no longer holds any power over you. You now have the key to that freedom in your hand.Will you accept the offer for freedom?Self-forgiveness is easy, as long as you have decided you want it. Take time and think about some of the benefits.Internal peace â€" with self-loathing, there is always a battle raging inside you. This is a cruel battle you wage against yourself. It is a fatal battle and the casualty is only oneâ€"you. When you forgive yourself, it is like a ceasefire, only that this is permanent. Ceasefires bring a lot of relief to the victims of wars since they get to pick up their lives with no fear of harm or death.Forgiving yourself is being at peace with yourself. You will finally be free from being stressed by thoughts of evil towards yourself. Whenever you have a grudge, a lot of positive feelings get lost. Your mind constantly thinks of the wrong done to you and seeks ways of revenging it.After forgiveness though, your mind will be free to think of ways to improve your life. You are more likely to achieve your goals with a peaceful mind. Where peace lacks, confusion reigns. don’t expect any progress while operating in confusion.Fresh outlook of life â€" forgiving yourself will give you a new and fresh view of life. The freedom that self-forgiveness provides ushers you into a new life. You will start seeing things like you have never seen them before. You will develop perspect ives which you never had. This will be evident of the kind of life you can have. If you have ever listened to successful people speak, then you have noticed that they see things differently.Renewed joy â€" when you know that nothing is holding you back, you can’t help but be happy. It gets better when the person you are happy with is yourself. When you are happy with yourself, your confidence levels shoot up. Happy people don’t allow their joy to be ‘stolen’ by anything. Having lacked joy, getting it will bring a major difference. It will be one of the things you will hold onto dearly.Rediscover yourself â€" one of the most important things in life is to know yourself. This is important because you get to know what you can and should do. Without this knowledge, you can waste a lot of time trying your hand in various things and not succeeding. With no self-loathing thoughts, your mind will direct you in the right paths of opportunities.With self-discovery, ensure you check yo ur real strengths and weaknesses. Take care not to believe lies which will only serve to limit your progress.A list of benefits cannot be exhausted. The idea is to show you that there is a lot to be gained. For example, self-forgiveness brings joy. This joy further brings higher self-confidence. Self-confidence empowers you through challenges. The benefits have a ripple effect, cascading from one to another.While going through the self-forgiveness process, ensure you don’t rush through it. You would rather go about it slowly but well rather than quickly and fail to get the results.It is ok to feel doubts as to whether you have really forgiven yourself. You will all the same have forgiven yourself if you follow these simple steps.Without forgiveness and love, you will live with resentment, bitterness, malice and strife which result in more pain. You can never love without forgiving. Forgiveness deepens your ability to love and frees you from pain.  Kemi SogunleAcknowledge the Wron g that HappenedForgiveness is sought when something wrong has been done.Many times when faced by the reality of something wrong done, the natural tendency is to hide. You may have practiced denial as you tried to deny that you did something wrong.Since you have done this many times, it may come up as the easier way of handling things. As we have seen however, the best way is to deal with the root cause.Having gone through the past and seen what happened and how things came to be, move forward in the truth. If there are several wrongs, despite how big they look, recognize them all.List them down for the sake of clarity.Take ResponsibilityYou played a role in the wrong which happened. Whether in whole or in part, admit where you were wrong. In case you get emotional and start crying, pause and cry all you can.Your emotions are tied to your past and they need to be freed. This is the pressure that should be let out. Restraining yourself may result in real freedom not being achieved.Rem ember and utilize the truth which you discovered earlier.Having recognized the truth of your responsibility, you can stay clear of other accusations coming up in your mind.Remember that you previously believed many lies and ended up suffering for it.Therefore, do not allow any lies to creep into your mind. There should be room only for the truth.Admit that You Have Wronged YourselfYou have admitted that the wrong happened. You have then taken responsibility for your contribution to the wrong.Now it is time to admit that you have not been kind to yourself.You see, you had allowed yourself to slide into a world of negativity about yourself. You have called yourself bad names and even denied yourself love.Why?As you have already found out, it is because you believed some lies. Lies about yourself and about your contribution to what happened.Believing those lies, you then wrongly accused yourself of many wrongs and rendered the wrong verdict on yourself. You convicted yourself whereas y ou should have freed yourself.As a result, you denied yourself love and also denied others the opportunity to show you love. You have therefore been the victim of your own prejudice.Apologize to YourselfJust as you would apologize to someone else, apologize to yourself. Tell yourself sorry.Identify with the feelings that the wrong treatment to yourself have evoked. If a part of you feels angry, allow it to express itself. Afterwards, apologize to it to make peace inside you.This is the primary reason you are forgiving yourself: making peace with yourself.Do not hold back any emotions that may engulf you. You are free to express yourself in the way you feel as long as you stay safe. You may need to choose a private place for this self-reconciliation exercise.Part of your safety is taking care not to embarrass yourself. This is especially when you are just starting the healing process.As you apologize to yourself, you should be feeling lighter. You should be feeling the heaviness in y our heart ease. Some peace should be coming in as well.This is a good sign.Do not be in a hurry.If you notice something you had not seen before, just check it out. Find out the truth about it then follow the same procedure.Remember to stay safe. If you have ever haboured suicidal thoughts and they never cleared, please get help from a counselor first.Free YourselfWhen you wrong someone and then apologize, you eagerly wait to hear the words ‘I have forgiven you.’ This is what frees you of the burden caused by your guilt and shame. You will apply the same principle at this stage.With a lighter heart which has some peace and joy, tell yourself that you are now a free soul. Visualize yourself as a previously-trapped bird which has now been set free. Or an antelope captured by a leopard but managed to escape. Such a bird or antelope flies/runs away without looking back. It’s joy cannot be hidden.Imagine the things you have always wanted to do but felt inadequate. Tell yourself that they are possible. You may not immediately know how to achieve them. All the same, just being free is enough motivation towards them.LOVE YOURSELFYou have moved from bondage to its opposite, freedom. Now move from hatred to its opposite, love. If you have lived for many years hating yourself, you may not even remember or know what love is.As you go through the suggestions below, just keep one thing in mind.Love means that you appreciate who you are and what you have. If you make any mistake, don’t crucify yourself.Watch the below video to start you off on the journey to loving yourself. After that, read on for ways of doing it. Here are the ways to love yourself.Know Your StrengthsEveryone has strengths and these are what make people stand out. No matter how much time you think you have lost, you still have time for a turn around.Here are some questions to help you out with this:What do you do without struggling?What are you often helping people with?Which subjects did you excel in while in school?What do you love doing and rarely get tired while at it?Answering these questions will help you know that you are good at something. Appreciate yourself for what you have because these make you unique.Even if there are others with similar strengths, your combination of these distinguishes you from them.This is what one very successful king of ancient Israel realized.He couldn’t hold back but testify that God had created him wonderfully.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  Psalm 139:14 (NIV)When you start looking at your strengths as unique, you will have many reasons to be glad that you are free. Free to exercise your strengths to bring yourself joy, make profit, help the society etc.Get in Touch with Your HobbiesAmong the reasons you are in this world, is so that you can enjoy what is around you.There are songs which have been sung waiting to be danced to; movies shot waiting to be watched; plays acted waiting to be watched; games waiting to be played; books awaiting reading etc. There are very many recreational activities. Identify your pick and engage in it.Another reason your hobbies are important is that they help you become social. As someone who had been mostly alone, you need to get friends around you.Having friends will help take your mind from the past faster than when you are alone.When for example you have a game to play tomorrow, you may spend time today practising.This keeps your mind busy and gives it something new to digest instead of the past.Don’t Be Too SeriousDo not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.  Elbert HubbardNo matter what you pursue in life, you need to take breaks.Do not always look at things from a serious point of view. If you do, you will not find much to be grateful about. When you ease up and allow yourself to be amused by life, you will enjoy life more.Treat YourselfYou cannot say that you love yourself if you never give yourself treats. Take some time a nd just do something good for yourself. Find a reason to celebrate yourself.Have you done a task well? Did you finish it ahead of the deadline? Were you the best among your friends? Have you finally achieved a goal after much trying?Do not let those moments pass you by. By the way, regardless of what you have heard out there, it is never about the price. It is always about the thought.Obviously, the higher the price the more valuable it looks and feels. However, it does not always have to be expensive.Many are the times when appreciation has been deferred in search of expensive. You do not need to save a fortune to go on holiday. Make some popcorn, grab your TV remote and watch your favorite show.CONCLUSIONYou are well on your recovery path now and have changed allegiances. From being your enemy to your friend. Occasionally, you may get an old thought coming back into your mind reminding you of your past. Sometimes, it may even question your freedom.Just take that thought as a real person and tell it off as you would an enemy. Speak out loud if it persists. Reject what it says and counter it with the truth.Remember that you had been in bondage due to believing in lies. You were then able to discover the truth which led you to freedom. Hold onto those life-changing truths as your weapons for maintaining your freedom.Enjoy your freedom.Share your thoughts in the comments.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Adolescent Behavior And Abusive Situations - 2132 Words

Abstract An estimated 20 people per minute in the United States are abused by an intimate partner each year (Breiding et al., 2014). Many reasons have been identified that prevent women from leaving and remaining out of abusive relationships. Such factors include economic, religious, cultural, and psychological (.e.g. fear, learned helplessness, self-esteem). Yet, there has been very limited research that examines the neurocognitive issues that influences a woman’s decision return to abusive situations, despite opportunities and resources to leave. The following study will explore possible implications of addictive behavior towards abusive situations in battered women— due to neurocognitive dysfunction. We hypothesized that battered women will present with decision making impairment similar to persons with substance dependency and other addictions. Findings will shed light on the need to develop more comprehensive prevention and intervention measures to decrease the number of women who return to abusive situations. Background Currently, the United States spends an estimated eight billion dollars per year on medical and legal expenses alone (Burnett, 2014). Unfortunately, the physical, psychological, and emotional costs to women and their children are immeasurable. Women of domestic violence often experience both acute and chronic health problems, substance abuse, and psychological disorders. (Breiding et al.,2014). . More recently, there hasShow MoreRelatedA Study On The Theory Of Teen Dating Abuse By Using A Phenomenological Inquiry942 Words   |  4 PagesPhenomenology A phenomenology study will be conducted because the question seeks to understand the experience of youth that has experienced dating violence. 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Unfortunately, women in abuse relationships attempt to adaptively cope through expressive forms of depersonalization, dissociation, andRead More Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect Essay examples1386 Words   |  6 Pagesdifficulty sleeping, low self -esteem, antisocial behavior, including rebelliousness or running away, increased hostility or aggression. Feelings of fear, shame, anger, guilt, anxiety, or confusion are often found in a child that is being abused. The child will tend to stay away from other children and play by themselves. A child that is abused will most likely be abused until they are a teenager and will usually find themselves in an abusive relationship later in life, if they’re not beingRead MoreFamily Violence And The Family1082 Words   |  5 Pagesviolence is when someone uses abusive behavior to control or harm a member of their family, or someone with whom they have an intimate relationship. Family violence includes a single act of violence, or a number of acts that form a pattern of abuse. Family violence can have serious-and sometimes fatal-consequences for victims and for those who see or hear the violence. So, in a family, each of family member should be an important role for others. Violence behaviors of family members will bring manyRead MoreAdolescence : Literature Review1463 Words   |  6 Pagesoccurring. Whether it’s through their education moving from middle school to high school or changes within their brain as they age. Adolescents are going through puberty, hormonal changes and experimenting with different social groups within th eir society. The culture and the social aspects of a society can shape an adolescent into an adult, whether it is to set the adolescent up to succeed or fail. Everyone has their own life path and changes can occur that affect the biological, cognitive, developmentalRead MoreChild Abuse Effects1443 Words   |  6 Pagesproblems and learning disorders to severe organic brain syndromes. ââ€"  Behaviorally the consequences of abuse range from poor peer relations all the way to extra ordinarily violent behaviors. Many complexities challenge our understanding of factors and relationships that exacerbate or mitigate the consequences of abusive experience. The majority of children who are abused do not show signs of extreme disturbance. In recent years much attention has be focused on the consequences of child sexual or physicalRead MoreCan Single-Parent Households Influence Adolescents To Become Abusers?1099 Words   |  5 PagesSingle-parent households can influence adolescents to become abusers of their spouses, children and themselves and are expected to experience domestic violence in their lives. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020

An Employee or Not - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1938 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Argumentative essay Did you like this example? An Employee or Not? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Although distinguishing between those working under a contract of service with those working under a contract for services is more important now than ever. We are still no closer to being able to conclude such a dispute with absolute certainty than we were over 100 years ago.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ This essay will focus on a fundamental area of Employment Law on whether someone is an Employee or Not? In this modern time of law reforms this area has throughout the years been focused on how it would be easier to distinguish between those who are working under a contract of service and those who are working under a contract for services. It is more important than ever for these two aspects of Employment Law to be distinguished and there be a clear answer that will reduce these disputes with complete certainty. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "An Employee or Not?" essay for you Create order There will be a brief illustration on what a contract of service is and what contract for services is. The differences will also be highlighted. Reference to cases, legislation and any other areas of law that are important will be used to form a supported conclusion in relation to the above statement. In order for an examination to be made from the above the statement. What makes a contract of service and what makes a contract for services must be explained and understood. It is hugely important that the difference between a contract of service and a contract for services as per Smith and Wood, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The independent contractor may be in a better monetary position while working but at a grave disadvantage if he falls off a ladder or is sackedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [1] this idea was supported in Lane v Shire[2] where it can be seen that if there is an issue of safety involved then that court or tribunal should search for proof that the employee involved was a worker. The key here and when dealing with any questions involving these two very different aspects is the distinguishing factors of a contractor and an employee. The definition of a worker can be found on the Employments Rights Act[3] which states; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“In this Act à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"employeeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ means an individual who has entered into or works underà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a contract of employmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . It should be noted here that a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"contractà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ of employmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ is where there is a contract of service or apprenticeship which once again has been set out in statute.[4] On the other hand as per the Trade Union and Labour Regulations a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"workerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ means à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“an individual who works, or normally works or seeks to work (a) under a contract of employment, or (b) under any other contract whereby he undertakes to do or perform personally any work or services for another party to the contract who is not a professional client of hisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ .[5] Per these two legislations it is already clear that there is fundamental difference between a worker = contract for service and an employee = contract of service. How does the court deal with this? In order for it to be absolutely clear what the person involved in the case falls under. There are a number of tests the court uses to classify the contractor or employee. The most common of the tests used and one which has become the traditional test when determining the employment status is the control test. A definition of this test can be found in Yewens v Noakes where it was stated, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“a servant is a person subject to the command of his master as to the manner in which he shall do workà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [6]. This at a first glance seems simple and this is justified when taking account of two specific cases; Mersey Docks and Harbour Board v Coggins and Griffith, and Walker v Crystal Palace Football Club. In both these cases it further evaluated the basic test set down in Yewens, these two cases outlined that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“If a worker is told what to do, but not how to do it, this would be a contract for servicesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ .[7] However if each of these statements is stripped down it becomes clear that there are issues with this test and these issues suggest that the courts and tribunal are still no closer to being able to with absolute certainty conclude a case involving contract of services or a contract for service. The biggest issue here is the fact that in the last hundred years the modern era employers have come to rely on employees who control their own work without the employers input. Furthermore large companies have given out work to small independent contractors where the employer will tell them what, when, where and how to do the job. These two examples go against everything set out by the three cases above; moreover a very important case raised another issue. The case of Whittaker v Minister of Pensions suggest that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦persons possessed of a high degree of professional skill and expertiseà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦may nevertheless be employedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦under contracts of service, notwithstanding that their employers canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦exercise little, if any, control, over the way in which the skill is usedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [8] This emphasizes the fact that where there is a higher required of skill there is a far less significant factor of control. There has been developments on the basic factors of the control test and these is not a series of factors that were suggested by the court in Park v Wilsons which also stated that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the right to control the servant in the manner of doing his work is one of the most important tests of employmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [9], it must be noted here that this case does have a negative precedent meaning that it is negative law therefore not to be fol lowed in cases that have the same facts or circumstances. However this case does show that the Courts and Tribunals are aware that the control test is not definite and in this particular case it has been highlighted that there has been effort to make the control test more concrete therefore more reliable to use. Due to the control test not being a hundred percent reliable there are a number of other tests that the courts can use to determine the statue of employment such as the Integration Test and the Multiple Test. The Integration test is fairly simple as it was formulated in Stevenson v MacDonald[10] where it was stated, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“under a contract of service, a man is employed as part of the business and work is done as an integral part of the businessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“under a contract for services, the work, although done for the business, is not integrated into it but only an accessory to ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . Basically this test is all about as king the question à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" is the worker integrated into the organisation? It is pretty clear that this test cannot be used in these modern times due the nature of businesses where employees can work from home or that contractors are becoming a very huge piece of the work place engine, as well as including those higher skilled workers that have previously failed the control test[11]. Nevertheless besides the Integration Test the Multiple Test can be considered alongside the Control Test as being one of the most important tests when dealing with employment status. The Multiple test or as it is commonly known the contemporary approach the Multiple Factor/Basic Ingredients + Test was created due to the clear failures and inadequacies of all the single tests as seen above. The best example of this test is in Ready Mixed Concrete v Minister of Pensions[12], in this particular case it had to be considered whether seven hundred drivers were considered to be working under a contract for services or a contract of service. In this case there were a lot of criteria that became apparent. Not all of it was conclusive but they all had to be considered. This case heard that in order for the existence of a contract of service to exist there had to be three factors. A) The servant agreed in consideration of a wage of other remuneration to provide his own work and skill in the performance of some service for his master. B) The servant agreed expressly or impliedly that, in performance of the service he would be subject to the control of the other party sufficiently to make him the master. C) The other provision of the contract were consistent with its being a contract of service[13]. These three factors have to be present before a contract of service can be considered. If they are present then other factors that are considered to be relevant can be considered. The Ready case also was fundamental in illustrating the principle of delectus pers onae (choice of the person); this concept was missing from the Ready case. There has been modern interpretation of this concept in 2001 where it was stated that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦was unable to take a class, she would contact a replacement from the register of coaches maintained by the responds, and arrange her class to be covered by a member on the registerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [14] this goes along with a quote from the Byrne Bros case; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦unable to provide the servicesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦[they]may provide an alternative worker to undertake the service but only having first obtained the express approval of the contractor[15]. These two cases highlight just how far the law has come. As these cases highlight that in these modern times there is a more flexible interpretation allowed which goes against its very strict past. Where this would not be allowed as the old requirement was interpreted as being black or white and having no grey area (Strict ) this can be seen when it first came about.[16] In conclusion even though it can be seen that there is still difficulty when dealing with contract of service and contract for services there has been a lot of change in the law that has reduced the courts originally strict view and greatly enhanced their interpretation skills allowing them to become more confident. As well as being easier for them to determine the employment statues. However this does not mean there are still not problems. There is and there always will be especially due to the complex nature of Employment Law. Nevertheless it can be seen that there has been an improvement and the law has come a long way in a hundred years. Although the courts cannot conclude a dispute with absolute certainty the presence of the new tests and legislation has allowed the courts and tribunals to make a decision with almost complete certainty. A hundred years is a long time ago with these new fundamental factors. Although with the constantly changing environment of law in general being an undermining issue there could be more changes on the way or the improvements made over a hundred years might be undone by a law itself there bringing employment status disputes back to the beginning. Final Word Count = 1,978 Final Word Count without footnotes = 1,825 [1] Smith and Wood, Industrial Law(6th Edn 1996) p9 [2] Lane v Shire Roofing Co (Oxford) Ltd (1995) [3] Employments Rights Act 1996 s230 [4] ibid [5] Trade Union and Labour Regulations (Consolidation) Act 1992 s296 [6] Yewens v Noakes (1880) 6 QBD 530 [7] Mersey Docks and Harbour Board v Coggins and Griffith (Liverpool) Ltd [1947] AC 1; Walker v Crystal Palace Football Club [1910] 1 KB 87 [8] Whittaker v Minister of Pensions and National Insurance [1967] 1 QB 156 [9] Park v Wilsons Clyde Co Ltd (No 1) 1928 SC 121 [10]Stevenson, Jordan and Harrison Ltd v MacDonald and Evans [1952] 1 TLR 101 [11] Whittaker v Minister of Pensions and National Insurance [1967] 1 QB 156 [12] Ready Mixed Concrete v Minister of Pensions and National Insurance [1968] 2 QB 496 [13] ibid [14] MacFarlane v Glasgow City Council [2001] IRLR 7 [15] Byrne Bros (Formwork) Ltd v Baird [2002] IRLR 96 [16] Express Echo Publications Ltd v Tanton [1999] IRLR 367

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Natural Vegetation of India Free Essays

Describe the regional variations in the climatic conditions of India with the help of suitable examples. Despite the overall unity accorded by the monsoon, there are visible regional variations in climatic conditions within India. Regardless of the moderating influences of the Himalayas in the north and the sea in the south, variations do exist in temperature, humidity and precipitation. We will write a custom essay sample on Natural Vegetation of India or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, in summer, some parts of the Rajasthan desert, in north-western India, record temperatures of 50Â °C, while it may be around 20Â °C in Pahalgam in Jammu and Kashmir, in the north of the country. On a winter night, the temperature at Drass in Jammu and Kashmir may be as low as minus 45Â °C, while Thiruvananthapuram may have a temperature of 22Â °C. In general, coastal areas experience less contrasts in temperature conditions. Seasonal contrasts are more in the interior of the country. Another case in point is precipitation. While precipitation is mostly in the form of snowfall in the upper parts of the Himalayas, it rains over the rest of the country. The annual precipitation varies from over 400 cm in Meghalaya to less than 10 cm in Ladakh and western Rajasthan. Most parts of the country receive rainfall from June to September, but some parts like the Tamil Nadu coast get most of their rain during October and November. Discuss the mechanism of monsoons. During summer, a low-pressure area develops over interior Asia as well as over north and north-western India. At the same time, there is a high-pressure system over the southern Indian Ocean. Winds move from a high-pressure area to a low-pressure area. As a result, the low-pressure system attracts the southeast trade winds of the southern hemisphere. On crossing the equator, these trade winds—due to the Coriolis force—turn right towards the low-pressure areas over the Indian subcontinent. After crossing the equator, these winds start blowing in a south-westerly direction, and enter the Indian peninsula as the southwest monsoon. As these winds blow over warm oceans, they bring abundant moisture to the subcontinent. Arriving at the southern tip of the Indian peninsula, the wind system breaks up into two branches ? the Arabian Sea branch and the Bay of Bengal branch. The Arabian Sea branch hits the Western Ghats, while the Bay of Bengal branch flows over the Bay of Bengal and hits the eastern Himalayas. The coastal areas west of the Western Ghats receive much of the rainfall from the Arabian Sea Branch, while the regions lying east of the Western Ghats do not receive much rain from these winds. The north-eastern parts of the country receive much of their rainfall from the Bay of Bengal Branch. As these winds move from east to west, the moisture they carry progressively declines. As a result, rainfall decreases from east to west. The Arabian Sea branch moves towards the north-east from the south-west, and joins the Bay of Bengal branch over the northern part of the country. The duration of the monsoon is between 100 to 120 days. By the end of this period, the low pressure system over north and north-west India gradually weakens, and this leads to the retreat of the monsoon winds. Give an account of weather conditions and characteristics of the cold season. The Cold Weather Season Beginning from mid-November, the winter season lasts till February. The weather is usually marked by clear sky, low temperatures and low humidity, and feeble and variable winds. The temperature decreases from the south to the north, with the peninsular region not showing any noticeable seasonal change in temperature pattern due to the moderating influence of the sea. The coldest months are December and January. The days are generally warm and the nights are cold. Frost is common in the north and the higher slopes of the Himalayas experience snowfall. During this season, the sub-tropical westerly jet streams blowing south of the Himalayas bring in cyclonic disturbances from the Mediterranean region. These cause winter rains over the plains and snowfall in the mountains. The Tamil Nadu coast also receives winter rainfall due to the blowing of the north-east trade winds from sea to land. Give the characteristics and effects of the monsoon rainfall in India. Characteristics of monsoon rainfall in India: (i) The duration of the monsoon is between 100 to 120 days from early June to mid-September. (ii) Around the time of its arrival, the normal rainfall increases suddenly and continues for several days. This is known as the ‘burst’ of the monsoon. (iii) The monsoon has characteristic wet and dry spells or ‘breaks’ in rainfall. The monsoon rains take place only for a few days at a time. They are interspersed with rainless intervals. (iv) The moisture is carried by pulsating south westerlies that are affected by different atmospheric conditions, thereby giving monsoon rains an uncertain character. The annual rainfall is highly variable from year to year (v) The rainfall is unevenly distributed across the Indian landscape. Parts of the western coast and north-eastern India receive the maximum rainfall. Regions such as parts of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Leh and the leeward side of the Western Ghats receive very little rainfall. Effects of monsoon rainfall in India: (a) Indian agriculture is largely dependent upon the water from the monsoon rains. Late, low or excessive rains have a negative impact upon crops. (b) Due to the uneven distribution of rainfall across the country, there are some regions that are drought prone and some that are flood afflicted. (c) The monsoon provides India with a distinct climatic pattern. Hence, in spite of the presence of great regional variations, it has a unifying influence upon the country and its people. How to cite Natural Vegetation of India, Essay examples

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Essay Example

Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Paper Please complete the following exercises, remembering that you are in an academic setting and should remain unbiased, considerate, and professional when completing this worksheet. Part I Select three of the identity categories below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each: †¢ Race †¢ Ethnicity †¢ Religion †¢ Gender †¢ Sexual orientation †¢ Age †¢ Disability Category |Stereotype 1 |Stereotype 2 |Stereotype 3 | |Religion |Fanatical Christians |Islam extremists |All mormons are poligamists | |Gender |Men should never cry |Women can be in power because of |Pink is for girls | | | |their periods | | |Age |As you get older you cannot learn |Older people are not as sharp as |Old people are not interested in | | |new things |younger people |sex | Part II Answer each question in 50 to 100 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? Some stereotypes have been found to have a positive view of certain groups by other minority groups, Asian Americans are admired for â€Å"placing a high value on intellectual and professional achievement† and â€Å"having strong family ties†, Hispanic Americans â€Å"take deep pride in their culture and work hard to achieve a better life† (R. Schaefer, 2012), African Americans â€Å"have made a valuable contribution to American Society and will work hard when given a chance† (National Conference of Christians and Jews 1994). We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Another positive aspect of stereotyping (and I had to dig to find it) is that middle-class or afflcuent African Americans’ feelings of self esteem and self-image are more positive than those of comparable Whites. Our text does not tell us why just that it has been measured and exists and that one positive aspect. What are the negative aspects of stereotypes? Stereotyping has caused people to view certain groups of people in a negative light, even though people do not express such views openly, prejudice and stereotyping still exists. In an article written by Tim Giago, â€Å"National Media Should Stop Using Obscene Words†, Tim describes how the term â€Å"Redskins† is so readily used in football and how derogatory it is to hear for Native Americans. He likens the use of this term to such terms as â€Å"nigger†, â€Å"gook†, â€Å"kike†, and â€Å"wop†, and expresses how â€Å"ridiculous† it is to hear the fans doing the â€Å"tomahawk chop†. This is modern day stereotyping in a negative way and it should be stopped. Why do large corporations have the right to offend and stereotype? This should be stopped. Part III Answer each question in 50 to 150 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. Define stereotypes and prejudice. What is the difference between stereotyping and prejudice? Use examples to illustrate the differences. According to Racial and Ethnic Groups, by R. Schaefer, stereotypes are unreliable, exaggerated generalizations about all members of a group that do not take individual differences into account. Prejudice is a negative attitude toward an entire category of people, such as a racial or ethnic minority. The difference between prejudices and stereotypes is that prejudice is learned over time by people who influence a person as they are growing up and books, movies, Internet and tv also play a part in a person becoming prejudice. Stereotypes are beliefs about people which are generally accepted that are based on something previously accepted about them. Examplese of some stereotypes are: all women are bitches, or all Arabs are terrorists. Examples of prejudices are: being afraid if you are on the bus and see a mentally ill person get on the bus because you are afraid that they may become violient. Statistic show that mentally ill people are no more or less prone to violence than normal people, please see this link about mental illness and violence: http://depts. washington. edu/mhreport/facts_violence. php What is the relationship between stereotyping and prejudice? Stereotyping and prejudice are not the same but can seem similar in a way, however the difference is important. There can be a stereotype about girls only like pink and boys only like to play with guns but a prejudice is when you are racist or have a â€Å"negative attitude toward an entire category of people† (R. Schaefer, 2012). What can be done to prevent prejudice from occurring? Diversity training and awareness is a way to prevent prejudice from occurring in the workplace. Education about diversity is a way to prevent it at schools. Much studying has been done about the prevention of prejudice but unfortunately if the training and/or education is not followed up with practice and further education and training it can lead to people going back to their old habits. This means that we must be diligent about fighing prejudice in our society, in our homes, at work, and in our schools. www. wikipedia. org Religious fanaticism http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Religious_fanaticism Main Street Plaza www. latterdaymainstreet. com A Community for Anyone Interested in Mormonism. Religious Stereotypes Venn Diagram According To Google: Expanded Mormon Edition www. eligious-stereotypes-venn-diagram-according-to-google-expanded-mormon-edition Cracked. com 5 Gender Stereotypes That Used To Be the Exact Opposite By: J. F. Sargent April 24, 2012 http://www. cracked. com/article_19780_5-gender-stereotypes-that-used-to-be-exact-opposite. html#ixzz2KNtJBSML www. discoveryfith ealth. com 10 Stereotypes About Aging (That Just Arent True) by Tom Scheve and Christine Venzon http://health. howstuffworks. com/wellness/aging/aging-process/5-stereotypes-about-aging6. htm Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright  © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Essay Example Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Essay Please complete the following exercises, remembering that you are in an academic setting and should remain unbiased, considerate, and professional when completing this worksheet. Part I Select three of the identity categories below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each: †¢ Race †¢ Ethnicity †¢ Religion †¢ Gender †¢ Sexual orientation †¢ Age †¢ Disability Category |Stereotype 1 |Stereotype 2 |Stereotype 3 | |Religion |Fanatical Christians |Islam extremists |All mormons are poligamists | |Gender |Men should never cry |Women can be in power because of |Pink is for girls | | | |their periods | | |Age |As you get older you cannot learn |Older people are not as sharp as |Old people are not interested in | | |new things |younger people |sex | Part II Answer each question in 50 to 100 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? Some stereotypes have been found to have a positive view of certain groups by other minority groups, Asian Americans are admired for â€Å"placing a high value on intellectual and professional achievement† and â€Å"having strong family ties†, Hispanic Americans â€Å"take deep pride in their culture and work hard to achieve a better life† (R. Schaefer, 2012), African Americans â€Å"have made a valuable contribution to American Society and will work hard when given a chance† (National Conference of Christians and Jews 1994). We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Another positive aspect of stereotyping (and I had to dig to find it) is that middle-class or afflcuent African Americans’ feelings of self esteem and self-image are more positive than those of comparable Whites. Our text does not tell us why just that it has been measured and exists and that one positive aspect. What are the negative aspects of stereotypes? Stereotyping has caused people to view certain groups of people in a negative light, even though people do not express such views openly, prejudice and stereotyping still exists. In an article written by Tim Giago, â€Å"National Media Should Stop Using Obscene Words†, Tim describes how the term â€Å"Redskins† is so readily used in football and how derogatory it is to hear for Native Americans. He likens the use of this term to such terms as â€Å"nigger†, â€Å"gook†, â€Å"kike†, and â€Å"wop†, and expresses how â€Å"ridiculous† it is to hear the fans doing the â€Å"tomahawk chop†. This is modern day stereotyping in a negative way and it should be stopped. Why do large corporations have the right to offend and stereotype? This should be stopped. Part III Answer each question in 50 to 150 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. Define stereotypes and prejudice. What is the difference between stereotyping and prejudice? Use examples to illustrate the differences. According to Racial and Ethnic Groups, by R. Schaefer, stereotypes are unreliable, exaggerated generalizations about all members of a group that do not take individual differences into account. Prejudice is a negative attitude toward an entire category of people, such as a racial or ethnic minority. The difference between prejudices and stereotypes is that prejudice is learned over time by people who influence a person as they are growing up and books, movies, Internet and tv also play a part in a person becoming prejudice. Stereotypes are beliefs about people which are generally accepted that are based on something previously accepted about them. Examplese of some stereotypes are: all women are bitches, or all Arabs are terrorists. Examples of prejudices are: being afraid if you are on the bus and see a mentally ill person get on the bus because you are afraid that they may become violient. Statistic show that mentally ill people are no more or less prone to violence than normal people, please see this link about mental illness and violence: http://depts. washington. edu/mhreport/facts_violence. php What is the relationship between stereotyping and prejudice? Stereotyping and prejudice are not the same but can seem similar in a way, however the difference is important. There can be a stereotype about girls only like pink and boys only like to play with guns but a prejudice is when you are racist or have a â€Å"negative attitude toward an entire category of people† (R. Schaefer, 2012). What can be done to prevent prejudice from occurring? Diversity training and awareness is a way to prevent prejudice from occurring in the workplace. Education about diversity is a way to prevent it at schools. Much studying has been done about the prevention of prejudice but unfortunately if the training and/or education is not followed up with practice and further education and training it can lead to people going back to their old habits. This means that we must be diligent about fighing prejudice in our society, in our homes, at work, and in our schools. www. wikipedia. org Religious fanaticism http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Religious_fanaticism Main Street Plaza www. latterdaymainstreet. com A Community for Anyone Interested in Mormonism. Religious Stereotypes Venn Diagram According To Google: Expanded Mormon Edition www. eligious-stereotypes-venn-diagram-according-to-google-expanded-mormon-edition Cracked. com 5 Gender Stereotypes That Used To Be the Exact Opposite By: J. F. Sargent April 24, 2012 http://www. cracked. com/article_19780_5-gender-stereotypes-that-used-to-be-exact-opposite. html#ixzz2KNtJBSML www. discoveryfith ealth. com 10 Stereotypes About Aging (That Just Arent True) by Tom Scheve and Christine Venzon http://health. howstuffworks. com/wellness/aging/aging-process/5-stereotypes-about-aging6. htm Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright  © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Essay Example Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet Paper Please complete the following exercises, remembering that you are in an academic setting and should remain unbiased, considerate, and professional when completing this worksheet. Part I Select three of the identity categories below and name or describe at least 3 related stereotypes for each: †¢ Race †¢ Ethnicity †¢ Religion †¢ Gender †¢ Sexual orientation †¢ Age †¢ Disability Category |Stereotype 1 |Stereotype 2 |Stereotype 3 | |Religion |Fanatical Christians |Islam extremists |All mormons are poligamists | |Gender |Men should never cry |Women can be in power because of |Pink is for girls | | | |their periods | | |Age |As you get older you cannot learn |Older people are not as sharp as |Old people are not interested in | | |new things |younger people |sex | Part II Answer each question in 50 to 100 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? Some stereotypes have been found to have a positive view of certain groups by other minority groups, Asian Americans are admired for â€Å"placing a high value on intellectual and professional achievement† and â€Å"having strong family ties†, Hispanic Americans â€Å"take deep pride in their culture and work hard to achieve a better life† (R. Schaefer, 2012), African Americans â€Å"have made a valuable contribution to American Society and will work hard when given a chance† (National Conference of Christians and Jews 1994). We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotypes and Prejudice Worksheet specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Another positive aspect of stereotyping (and I had to dig to find it) is that middle-class or afflcuent African Americans’ feelings of self esteem and self-image are more positive than those of comparable Whites. Our text does not tell us why just that it has been measured and exists and that one positive aspect. What are the negative aspects of stereotypes? Stereotyping has caused people to view certain groups of people in a negative light, even though people do not express such views openly, prejudice and stereotyping still exists. In an article written by Tim Giago, â€Å"National Media Should Stop Using Obscene Words†, Tim describes how the term â€Å"Redskins† is so readily used in football and how derogatory it is to hear for Native Americans. He likens the use of this term to such terms as â€Å"nigger†, â€Å"gook†, â€Å"kike†, and â€Å"wop†, and expresses how â€Å"ridiculous† it is to hear the fans doing the â€Å"tomahawk chop†. This is modern day stereotyping in a negative way and it should be stopped. Why do large corporations have the right to offend and stereotype? This should be stopped. Part III Answer each question in 50 to 150 words related to those stereotypes. Provide citations for all the sources you use. Define stereotypes and prejudice. What is the difference between stereotyping and prejudice? Use examples to illustrate the differences. According to Racial and Ethnic Groups, by R. Schaefer, stereotypes are unreliable, exaggerated generalizations about all members of a group that do not take individual differences into account. Prejudice is a negative attitude toward an entire category of people, such as a racial or ethnic minority. The difference between prejudices and stereotypes is that prejudice is learned over time by people who influence a person as they are growing up and books, movies, Internet and tv also play a part in a person becoming prejudice. Stereotypes are beliefs about people which are generally accepted that are based on something previously accepted about them. Examplese of some stereotypes are: all women are bitches, or all Arabs are terrorists. Examples of prejudices are: being afraid if you are on the bus and see a mentally ill person get on the bus because you are afraid that they may become violient. Statistic show that mentally ill people are no more or less prone to violence than normal people, please see this link about mental illness and violence: http://depts. washington. edu/mhreport/facts_violence. php What is the relationship between stereotyping and prejudice? Stereotyping and prejudice are not the same but can seem similar in a way, however the difference is important. There can be a stereotype about girls only like pink and boys only like to play with guns but a prejudice is when you are racist or have a â€Å"negative attitude toward an entire category of people† (R. Schaefer, 2012). What can be done to prevent prejudice from occurring? Diversity training and awareness is a way to prevent prejudice from occurring in the workplace. Education about diversity is a way to prevent it at schools. Much studying has been done about the prevention of prejudice but unfortunately if the training and/or education is not followed up with practice and further education and training it can lead to people going back to their old habits. This means that we must be diligent about fighing prejudice in our society, in our homes, at work, and in our schools. www. wikipedia. org Religious fanaticism http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Religious_fanaticism Main Street Plaza www. latterdaymainstreet. com A Community for Anyone Interested in Mormonism. Religious Stereotypes Venn Diagram According To Google: Expanded Mormon Edition www. eligious-stereotypes-venn-diagram-according-to-google-expanded-mormon-edition Cracked. com 5 Gender Stereotypes That Used To Be the Exact Opposite By: J. F. Sargent April 24, 2012 http://www. cracked. com/article_19780_5-gender-stereotypes-that-used-to-be-exact-opposite. html#ixzz2KNtJBSML www. discoveryfith ealth. com 10 Stereotypes About Aging (That Just Arent True) by Tom Scheve and Christine Venzon http://health. howstuffworks. com/wellness/aging/aging-process/5-stereotypes-about-aging6. htm Racial and Ethnic Groups, Thirteenth edition, by Richard T. Schaefer. Published by Merrill Prentice Hall. Copyright  © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

You Can Be and Introvert and a Leader †Here are 7 Tips

You Can Be and Introvert and a Leader – Here are 7 Tips 7 Leadership Tips for Introverted People Being a leader and an introvert may sound impossible. After all, leaders have to be gregarious, outgoing, outspoken and inspirational to others. How can anyone do these things if all they want is to be alone to think and reflect. It’s true. Introverts do spend more time thinking than most others. And when they do this, others think of them as cold or unfeeling or, worse, as having some type of â€Å"superiority complex.† And when they are placed in leadership positions, others wonder how that will ever â€Å"work.† You may be wondering how that will ever â€Å"work† too, if you are that introvert. When engaged in resume writing to find your job, you probably did not put â€Å"introvert† down as one of your personal qualities. And now here you are, expected to be a leader. But you know some things about yourself that others don’t. You know that you genuinely enjoy people, but in small doses – both in numbers and in time. As an introvert, you become â€Å"depleted† more rapidly than others and have to â€Å"refuel† yourself by getting back to a private place where you can be alone with your thoughts, even though those thoughts may be related to work. So, you close your office door to re-group. And others label you unfriendly or â€Å"stuck-up.† You Can Be a Successful Leader The operative word here is â€Å"compensation† (along with a good dose of honesty). You do have to develop ways to compensate for your need to be quite and alone. Here are 7 tips that will help. Be Honest with Your Team: There is nothing wrong with telling your team members that you are an introvert and explaining your need to retreat and reflect. When you are up front about it, they will understand your behaviors and not judge you negatively. Then you can say, â€Å"Give me a little while to think about this,† and it won’t b mis-interpreted. Use LBWA: This means â€Å"Leadership by Walking Around,† and is considered to be quite effective in establishing relationships with your team. If you spend some time one-on-one with each team member as you walk around, you will not feel stressed by numbers. And those individuals will come to believe that you do have interest in them and their work. Keep Meetings Short: It is better to have shorter meetings more often than to have long ones that drain you. Prepare a short agenda and stick to it. Your team members will probably appreciate that anyway. Get an Extrovert Back-up: If you have to attend a large gathering that is work-related, you can’t avoid it, obviously. But if you have an extroverted buddy by your side, s/he can help carry conversations and you can just smile and nod your head. Housekeeping Items by Email: There are lots of minor items that you may need to handle with your team – new procedures from top-level executives, new reporting deadlines, etc. You don’t have to spend meeting time on these. Emails will work, and your emails can be friendly and conversational in nature. And adding a joke at the end is a good way to further relationships. Use Facebook as a Relationship Builder: Have a Facebook account and keep your posts light and fun. Co-workers and team members are probably on Facebook too, and they will â€Å"feel† that they know you better. Build Recovery Time into Your Schedule: You can’t be a good leader if you are drained. Give yourself short periods of time during the day – very short – just to get quiet and alone. It does help. But set a limit on that â€Å"down time† so you don’t fall back into bad habits of pre-leadership days. You can take the lead and be very successful. Know your limits, be honest with others, and use these compensation techniques.

You Can Be and Introvert and a Leader †Here are 7 Tips

You Can Be and Introvert and a Leader – Here are 7 Tips 7 Leadership Tips for Introverted People Being a leader and an introvert may sound impossible. After all, leaders have to be gregarious, outgoing, outspoken and inspirational to others. How can anyone do these things if all they want is to be alone to think and reflect. It’s true. Introverts do spend more time thinking than most others. And when they do this, others think of them as cold or unfeeling or, worse, as having some type of â€Å"superiority complex.† And when they are placed in leadership positions, others wonder how that will ever â€Å"work.† You may be wondering how that will ever â€Å"work† too, if you are that introvert. When engaged in resume writing to find your job, you probably did not put â€Å"introvert† down as one of your personal qualities. And now here you are, expected to be a leader. But you know some things about yourself that others don’t. You know that you genuinely enjoy people, but in small doses – both in numbers and in time. As an introvert, you become â€Å"depleted† more rapidly than others and have to â€Å"refuel† yourself by getting back to a private place where you can be alone with your thoughts, even though those thoughts may be related to work. So, you close your office door to re-group. And others label you unfriendly or â€Å"stuck-up.† You Can Be a Successful Leader The operative word here is â€Å"compensation† (along with a good dose of honesty). You do have to develop ways to compensate for your need to be quite and alone. Here are 7 tips that will help. Be Honest with Your Team: There is nothing wrong with telling your team members that you are an introvert and explaining your need to retreat and reflect. When you are up front about it, they will understand your behaviors and not judge you negatively. Then you can say, â€Å"Give me a little while to think about this,† and it won’t b mis-interpreted. Use LBWA: This means â€Å"Leadership by Walking Around,† and is considered to be quite effective in establishing relationships with your team. If you spend some time one-on-one with each team member as you walk around, you will not feel stressed by numbers. And those individuals will come to believe that you do have interest in them and their work. Keep Meetings Short: It is better to have shorter meetings more often than to have long ones that drain you. Prepare a short agenda and stick to it. Your team members will probably appreciate that anyway. Get an Extrovert Back-up: If you have to attend a large gathering that is work-related, you can’t avoid it, obviously. But if you have an extroverted buddy by your side, s/he can help carry conversations and you can just smile and nod your head. Housekeeping Items by Email: There are lots of minor items that you may need to handle with your team – new procedures from top-level executives, new reporting deadlines, etc. You don’t have to spend meeting time on these. Emails will work, and your emails can be friendly and conversational in nature. And adding a joke at the end is a good way to further relationships. Use Facebook as a Relationship Builder: Have a Facebook account and keep your posts light and fun. Co-workers and team members are probably on Facebook too, and they will â€Å"feel† that they know you better. Build Recovery Time into Your Schedule: You can’t be a good leader if you are drained. Give yourself short periods of time during the day – very short – just to get quiet and alone. It does help. But set a limit on that â€Å"down time† so you don’t fall back into bad habits of pre-leadership days. You can take the lead and be very successful. Know your limits, be honest with others, and use these compensation techniques.

You Can Be and Introvert and a Leader †Here are 7 Tips

You Can Be and Introvert and a Leader – Here are 7 Tips 7 Leadership Tips for Introverted People Being a leader and an introvert may sound impossible. After all, leaders have to be gregarious, outgoing, outspoken and inspirational to others. How can anyone do these things if all they want is to be alone to think and reflect. It’s true. Introverts do spend more time thinking than most others. And when they do this, others think of them as cold or unfeeling or, worse, as having some type of â€Å"superiority complex.† And when they are placed in leadership positions, others wonder how that will ever â€Å"work.† You may be wondering how that will ever â€Å"work† too, if you are that introvert. When engaged in resume writing to find your job, you probably did not put â€Å"introvert† down as one of your personal qualities. And now here you are, expected to be a leader. But you know some things about yourself that others don’t. You know that you genuinely enjoy people, but in small doses – both in numbers and in time. As an introvert, you become â€Å"depleted† more rapidly than others and have to â€Å"refuel† yourself by getting back to a private place where you can be alone with your thoughts, even though those thoughts may be related to work. So, you close your office door to re-group. And others label you unfriendly or â€Å"stuck-up.† You Can Be a Successful Leader The operative word here is â€Å"compensation† (along with a good dose of honesty). You do have to develop ways to compensate for your need to be quite and alone. Here are 7 tips that will help. Be Honest with Your Team: There is nothing wrong with telling your team members that you are an introvert and explaining your need to retreat and reflect. When you are up front about it, they will understand your behaviors and not judge you negatively. Then you can say, â€Å"Give me a little while to think about this,† and it won’t b mis-interpreted. Use LBWA: This means â€Å"Leadership by Walking Around,† and is considered to be quite effective in establishing relationships with your team. If you spend some time one-on-one with each team member as you walk around, you will not feel stressed by numbers. And those individuals will come to believe that you do have interest in them and their work. Keep Meetings Short: It is better to have shorter meetings more often than to have long ones that drain you. Prepare a short agenda and stick to it. Your team members will probably appreciate that anyway. Get an Extrovert Back-up: If you have to attend a large gathering that is work-related, you can’t avoid it, obviously. But if you have an extroverted buddy by your side, s/he can help carry conversations and you can just smile and nod your head. Housekeeping Items by Email: There are lots of minor items that you may need to handle with your team – new procedures from top-level executives, new reporting deadlines, etc. You don’t have to spend meeting time on these. Emails will work, and your emails can be friendly and conversational in nature. And adding a joke at the end is a good way to further relationships. Use Facebook as a Relationship Builder: Have a Facebook account and keep your posts light and fun. Co-workers and team members are probably on Facebook too, and they will â€Å"feel† that they know you better. Build Recovery Time into Your Schedule: You can’t be a good leader if you are drained. Give yourself short periods of time during the day – very short – just to get quiet and alone. It does help. But set a limit on that â€Å"down time† so you don’t fall back into bad habits of pre-leadership days. You can take the lead and be very successful. Know your limits, be honest with others, and use these compensation techniques.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Planet Mars Science Fair Project Ideas

The Planet Mars Science Fair Project Ideas Scientists are learning more about the planet Mars every year and that makes now a perfect time to use it as the subject of a science fair project. It is a project that both middle and high school students can pull off and they can take many different approaches to create  a unique and impressive display. Why is Mars Special? Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and is commonly referred to as the Red Planet. Mars is more similar to Earth than Venus in regards to atmosphere, even though its only just over half the size of our planet. There is intense interest focused on Mars due to the possibility of liquid water being present there. Scientists are still trying to figure out if there is still water on Mars or if it was present at some time in the plants past. That possibility yields the chance of Mars harboring life. Quick Facts About Mars Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos.Mars is named after the Roman god of war and it influenced the naming of the month March.One year on Mars is equal to about two years on Earth.One day on Mars is half an hour longer than one day on Earth.The atmosphere of Mars is 95% carbon dioxide. Recent Mars Expeditions NASA has been sending spacecraft to study Mars since 1964 when Mariner 3 attempted to photograph the planet. Since then, over 20 space missions have launched to explore the surface further and future missions are planned as well. The Mars rover, Sojourner, was the first robotic rover to land on Mars during the Pathfinder mission in 1997. More recent Mars rovers like Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity have given us the best views and data available to date from the Martian surface. Mars Science Fair Project Ideas Build a scale model of our solar system. Where does Mars fit in the grand scheme of all the other planets. How does its distance from the Sun affect the climate on Mars.Explain the forces at work when the Mars orbits the sun. What keeps it in place? Is it moving further away? Does it have remain the same distance from the sun as it orbits?Study pictures of Mars. What new discoveries did we learn from pictures the rovers sent back versus satellite photos NASA captured before? How does the Martian landscape differ from Earth? Are there places on Earth that resemble Mars?What are the features of Mars? Could they support some kind of life? Why or why not?Why is Mars red?  Is Mars really red on the surface or is it an optical illusion? What minerals are on Mars that cause it to appear red? Relate your discoveries to things we can relate to on Earth and show pictures.What have we learned in the various missions to Mars? What were the most significant discoveries? What questions did each successful mission answer and did a later mission prove these wrong? What does NASA have planned for future Mars missions? Will they be able to build a Mars colony? If so, what will it look like and how are they preparing for it?How long does it take to travel to Mars?  When astronauts are sent to Mars, what will the trip be like? Are photographs sent back from Mars in real-time or is there a delay? How are the photos relayed to Earth?How does a rover work? Are the rovers still working on Mars? If you love to build things, a scale model of a rover would be a great project! Resources for a Mars Science Fair Project Every good science fair project begins with research. Use these resources to learn more about Mars. As you read, you may even come up with new ideas for your project. Mars Exploration from NASABuild a Solar SystemYour Weight on Other Worlds

Monday, February 17, 2020

Urban Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Urban Sociology - Essay Example In the process, the nature and possible causes of the urban sociological problems that occur in Africa will be discussed followed by examining the severity of constantly increasing population problem and its impact with the local, regional, national and global economy. Prior to the conclusion, recommended ways on how to combat the population growth problem will be tackled. Studying the Africa’s demographics is considered as one of the most controversial case during the twentieth century because of the rapid growth of the African population as well as its urbanization development. (Zuberi et al., 2003) Divided in five major regions known as the North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa, and Southern Africa (Think Quest, 2008c), the country is very unique in the sense that it is composed of more than 50 other countries with thousands of different ethnic groups such as the Arabs, Ashanti, Bantu, Berbers, Bushmen, Dinka, Fulani, Ganda, Hamites, Hausa, Hottentot, Kikuyu, Luba, Lunda, Malinke, Moors, Nuer, Pygmies, Semites, Swahili, Tuareg, Xhosa, and Yoruba aside from those that are less known by the local people. (Think Quest, 2008b) (See Table I – Complete List of African Countries, Population, and Internet Users on page ) Africa has a huge population with approximately 955.206,342 as of 2008. (Internet Worlds Stats, 2008) Despite the excessive high number of inhibitants, Africa is also considered as one of the fastest urban developing country. As of 2008, approximately one-third of the total African population lives and work in the cities. (Think Quest, 2008b) As a result of fast paced urbanization and a better economic base in the country, the number of birth and death rates has declined over the years. Aside from having the opportunity for a higher educational, the benefits of driving a car, and an access to worldwide

Monday, February 3, 2020

Writing a paper regarding the movie Miss Representation Essay

Writing a paper regarding the movie Miss Representation - Essay Example The media is evolving in the way it portrays women for the past few years however it is quite intriguing that it is not completely evolved. Women still play the roles of being sexual objects; little emphasis is made on their educational achievements and careers. However there are few films in the media which try to show women with strong personalities, depicting them as intellectual, self-reliable, unswerving and sincere. However still many images in the media today emphasizes on the traditional woman representation of being emotional, inactive and reliant. Research studies have revealed that may children especially in the adolescent stage heavily rely on the social media to supplement information needs. This really underscores the effectiveness of media in instilling appropriate moral conducts to the children. They follow whatever the media deems good or bad (Lauzen, 1999). It is quite disappointing that women in reality as shown through the media don’t usually support their fellow women who aspire to take up leadership positions. Even though we know that women hold the largest numbers of the electorate. This revelation raises a troubling question; why women still transmit this misconception? This is a shortcoming in the campaign against feminism as revealed in the documentary. There is wide campaign to educate people about the problems that women are experiencing. The irony is that women themselves tend to aggravate the situation instead of improving it. Little is done to help them derive mechanisms of reducing these stereotypic images. Possessing the knowledge alone is not adequate. As Katie Couric reveals that maybe she has been a source of perpetuating the misrepresentation of women in the media through her wearing of short skirts and a revealing blouse during her presentation of various television news programs.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Setting Up A Subway Franchise Marketing Essay

Setting Up A Subway Franchise Marketing Essay My idea is to set up an established franchise. Thus a Subway Franchise. My decision was based on the idea that there is a gap in the market for this particular business especially in the South Norwood area. The only well known sandwich outlet is Subway and although it is already a well-established brand name, I believe that in the correct location my own store will have the potential to make a lot of profit and survive. My businesses unique selling point will be giving my customers the choice to choose which fillings or types of breads they wish to eat for their sub. There are nearly two million different sandwich combinations available on the SUBWAY menu. This flexibility will give the customer their needs and we will gain the loyalty. I believe that in the correct location my own Subway franchise will have the potential to make profit and survive. I will be answering the question: Is it feasible for Subway to expand by establishing a second sandwich outlet in Central Croydon. It is a well-known brand but in the UK not many customers are familiar with this established name. I will make sure these potential consumers know it. I plan to do this by identifying an opportunity in the market and if there is a gap. I plan to use forecasts to see whether my business will be successful such as cash flow and break-even. Using finance available it will help me to launch an excellent franchise opportunity. I have found out Subway is one of the best franchises to set up and a number one entrepreneurial opportunity. Despite this, as there is a highly competitive market that my business would have to enter, having a brand that consumers trust and identify will lead the sandwich bar gaining a stable market share, and loyal customers in a short space of time, and also some of the risk will be reduced.  Overall, buying into a franchise enables entrepreneurs like me to have an opportunity to provide a known product from an established brand with a proven operating system a lready in place. Projects Aims Objectives Aims are the long-term intentions of a business while the objectives are needed to fulfil these overall aims of a business. The main aim of this project is to conduct a sufficient feasibility study in order to evaluate whether or not my business will be successful or not. If my business is likely to fail I would like to assess what factors resulted in this failure and in turn what factors resulted in its success. If it is not feasible then at the end of my project I would like to draw some sort of conclusion about what could have been done to make my business much more successful especially in the case that my business fails. Despite being a franchise and a well-known brand in sight of my potential customers, this feasibility study could endeavour failure and from there I could see what actually could have been enhanced. If it does prove to strive to success, I will be able to identify the best place to set it up, what products to market consumers want/need and at what price. Moreover, I would like to assess what factors resulted in the failure of my business, and what factors contributed to the success of my business, and at the end of the project evaluate what could have been done to improve the business being a success. By doing this I will look into what makes a business strive into success, such as location, the competitors, products to be aimed at potential customers and whether there is actually a demand in the market for a well-known franchise as this. Information will be retrieved through primary and secondary sources and research. I intend to use primary research in order to identify, suitable locations, current prices of my local competitors, products that are needed and wanted by consumers in the market, the right promotional methods in order to attract potential consumers and to establish the target market. In addition I shall use secondary research to find out statistics on most products sold/brought, the period of time in which consumer spending is at its highest, and where and any information retrieved by competitors on consumer spending patterns within the market, or successful marketing strategies. All project results will be used to determine and evaluate my project and backup final decisions. I will need to remember that I will need long-term profit in order to survive. Business Aims Objectives Aims should be an expression of all parties of the business, i.e. employees, shareholders. The set aims should be long-term and everyone within the firm should work to achieve them. Aims can encourage commitment within a firm, i.e. giving employees a long-term job within the firm. Most firms do not spend quantities of time on trying to define their aims, particularly true of small firms where communication levels are quick and easy to transfer information such as my firm Subway. Aims are a basis in which I will set my objectives. These can be influenced by the business culture and the workforce culture. Delegation can take place, in order to allow different departments to focus on different aims. This allows analysis of the success of the objective easier. My aims are: Produce quality products at a competitive price. Bridge the gap between social classes by giving everyone high classed products. In co-operate consumers needs and wants in products. Increase consumers value of living. Turn luxury products into necessity products due to high quality and the purpose/function to the consumers. Produce a profit making business. Design a company whereby customers satisfaction is achieved and a friendly service is offered. Primary Objectives: Will the new Croydon store prove to be adequate in all areas, but most importantly will it be profitable, to a sufficient level of return? Secondary Objectives: Collect the previous years accounts and financial reports for Subway, and evaluate the present situation. Investigate whether there is land available to expand its property. To obtain marketing data. Find out the start-up costs and initial investment for the outlet for expansion. To diversify the business. Using the retrieved raw data, produce forecasted accounts and evaluate the firms financial position in the future. Decide whether a change in price is needed or adding or removing of items is needed to the existing menu. Assess the time scale of the expansion. Methodology Examine existing accounts of the business to whether the firm has enough capital for expansion. I am going to do this by finding out the profitability, liquidity and the efficiency of the firm using ratio analysis from the Trading Profit and Loss account and the Balance Sheet. I will find out using an appropriate website, where I want to open the outlet. This will highlight all the surrounding stores and vacant properties. I will use this as a basis to find a vacant suitable site for the new Subway Restaurant. Once an appropriate site is chosen, I will choose whether to lease or buy a free hold property. I am going to prepare a questionnaire for the customers visiting the restaurant and do a survey of the people in the area to find out their views about the recognised brand name Subway and whether the target market for the product is aimed confidently to the correct consumer market. Retrieve information from the Subway website on costs that will be needed to be incurred, such as the start-up costs and initial investment. Investigate the ways in which the business can diversify, for example introducing other types of catering services such as catering for special occasions. To forecast the firms Trading Profits and loss account. Balance sheet and cash flow forecast if the restaurant was to expand. By using Ratio analysis, I intend to analyse the firms financial position in the future. Upon my findings in my questionnaire I will decide whether extra items should be added to the present menu. Using Decision-Making Techniques such as decision trees and critical path analysis to help reach a decision and estimate the minimum time that could be taken to complete a possibly problematic process. Mission Statement The main objective of a mission statement aims to set and/or tell, stakeholders and shareholder of what the overall purpose of the business is. This involves stating what the business intends to achieve and sets the theme for setting objectives and strategic methods. It shows the businesses reason for existing; why it has been set-up in the first place its intentions. However, in the likeliness of setting a positive and achievable mission statement, a criterion has been set for business to follow. SMART (smart, measurable, agreed, realistic, time specific), allow businesses o analyse the mission statement and to see how success full it would be. As a general not the companies overall mission statement would be to become the biggest and best-value store in the market. Mission statements shows the businesses reason for existing, why it has been set-up in the first place (intentions). Existing Subway missionary statement: To provide the tools and knowledge to allow entrepreneurs to successfully compete in the Quick Service Restaurant industry worldwide, by consistently offering value to consumers through providing great tasting food that is good for them and made the way they like it. SWOT analysis This is a tool, which is used to review internal and external business environments. The benefit of doing this is to assess the businesses current activities and base decisions on them. It is an effective way of identifying my Strengths and Weaknesses, and of examining the potential Opportunities and Threats my business might face. By carrying out an SWOT analysis and using the SWOT framework it will help me to focus into areas where my business will show strengths and where the greatest opportunities lie. My strengths are any resources and capabilities that can be used as a basic for developing a competitive advantage over other sandwich outlets. Strengths: Being a small sole trader franchise means that I will have a closer relationship with the customers, thus receive ideas and build a personal relationship with them. Then begin to build a loyal customer base. Eventually I can promote and adapt my products to the needs of the consumers. I have a good location for my business that is easy to access and is viewable by consumers. Thus creating awareness for consumers to come in and purchase a product. Establish competitors, which have identified consumers spending habits. Makes it easier to establish a business whereby, their needs and wants are already aware. A market-led business that is dedicating to consumers means that you will be giving the consumers what they need, which would make them, happier-delighted. Ultimately, returning back for more purchases. An excellent worldwide reputation in place means a long trading period could be portrayed. Finding a trustworthy supplier is guaranteed, someone who is willing to take a chance on a new established franchise. My Weaknesses are anything, which cannot be included as strength, are things that the business would do badly, that it is ineffective at or that it has a poor reputation for. Weaknesses: Low start-up capital- without capital, the business will find it hard to start-up and get loans to fund its strategies. No credit from suppliers- without credit, it may be hard to pay back debts and have money left over for re-investment into the business. I will have a small amount of staff, as I will not be able to pay for more than I need, so when my staff are absent I will not have any form of backup for them. I have no experience in Marketing which means that I may not market Subways initial products effectively thus losing out on valuable profit, but also on customer loyalty if I market it imperfectly. My cash flow will be unreliable in the early stages of business, thus I will not have any chances to buy things if I see an opportunity for it. Opportunities are anything, which present an opportunity for profit and growth because of its strengths or because of the elimination of its weaknesses. Opportunities: New technology may cut down the time and improve the quality of my products. Company expansion, i.e. increasing capacity inside for eat in. To gain Market share by diversifying myself from other companies: innovation of products and new product range. Increase demand for quality general-purpose products. Competition may be engrossed with rivalry between each other that they dont take much notice in own growth. The introduction of speciality breads and more exotic fillings will extend the possibilities of the sandwich from a simple snack into a meal. Threats of a business arise from activities of competitors and from failing to take opportunities or to build on successes. Threats also come from complacency, a lack of rigour, and from falling profits, perhaps due to rising costs. Threats: Established, wealthy competitors. All fast food chains, including McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Pret A Manger, OBriens, and Benjys. Competitors enforcing new tactics to destroy new competition in which we couldnt battle against due to low capital. For example lowering of prices, advertisement campaigns etc. A possibility of competitors using destroyer pricing. In which we would not be able to operate if we lowered costs any more. If my competitor starts a Price war I will not be able to compete, thus risk of losing customers or falling into bankruptcy. Lack of trained, specialised employees. Shift in consumer tastes will mean that I will need to alter my product selling to fit there needs. There is always a chance of new competitors trying to take some market share. Furthermore, I realise that by having so many opportunities and no experience I can easily make the wrong choice, which could lead to huge opportunity costs. Moreover, most of the opportunities identified to me, are also identified to my competitors, and because they have more capital, and even greater customer loyalty, being able to take advantage of these opportunities will prove difficult. Lastly the weakness of not having any experience means that making decisions will be hard, and being able to react to competition actions would be difficult or even futile. As a result of my SWOT analysis I come to the conclusion that continuing with the business idea would be unpractical, but with a lot of hard work and luck, the firm may be successful, however not enough to compete with competition such as Pret A Manger or Burger King but surviving to some extent. PESTLE Analysis This examines the external environment and the global factors that may affect a business. It can provide a quick and visual representation of the external pressures facing a business, and their possible constraints on strategy. It is usually divided into five external influences on a business- political, economic, socio-cultural, technological and green. The analysis examines the impact of each of these factors and how they interplay with each other in the business. The results can then be used to take advantage of opportunities and to make emergency plans for threats. Political: It might include a consideration of legislation, such as consumer laws, regulation, such as control of certain companies, political pressures and the government view of certain activities. Factors that could affect are Government legislation such as taxes on products and interest rates. This will affect the business when determining the selling price of the products. In order to make a profit after taxation, the price will have to be increased; however the price must also be appealing to the customer and rival that of your competitor. Healthy and safety legislations will have to be taken into account especially since my business deals with food. Improving the health and safety rules according to the regulations set by the franchise would do this. Economical: This might involve the analysis of a variety of economic factors and their effects on business. They might include: consumer activity such as spending patterns, economic variables such as inflation, and government policy such as exchange rates. These areas are global, but it is also important to look at factors affecting my own industry. Economic issues are the focus of future potential of profit making. This can involve the level of demand and the price in which the product will be sold for. This needs to be compared with other organisations prices in order to lure consumers. Despite the fact that this is a franchise and costs are already set up, if however the cost of floor rises, then for my firm or other food retailers the price of floor is a crucial economic measure as without it we cannot make our product and sell them at a cheap price. The current employment rates have increased in the past few years due to economic factors. Not only does this suggest that I have a wider selection for recruitment, being able to choose the most multitasked workforce. I also have the negative effect that money consumers are without money and are unable to spend. This can be a decrease in sales of the whole market, and competition will become fierce in attempt to get loyalty from remaining consumers. In addition exchange rates can affect my business if deciding to import goods form abroad, or basing the factory in overseas. This can easily increase cost and promote a move back to the United Kingdom. Laws on competitive pricing, patterned ideas and quality standards can all affect the way in which my business is run. These laws can limit the companys expansion and take longer than expected. Social: Social factors I must examine are consumer attitudes to my product industry, environmental issues (e.g. organic food versus food made in a lab), attitudes to health, wealth and age (the elderly dont want to be treated different from others). Added complications when looking at social and cultural factors are differences in ethnic and social groups. Not all groups have the same attitudes and this impacts how they view products and services. E.g. Muslims eating pork. Also the fact that Muslims eat Halal would affect my business because meat that is sold at Subway is prepared normally and not using the traditional Halal method. Thus, I will lose sells on these major ethical and cultural groups. However, another factor to consider is that location is dependent on the amount of customers I lose, if there are many Muslims in the area then sells will decline, if not many I will benefit on other ethical groups buying my products. Therefore location can still play a part with profit, especi ally to my target audience. Technological: This might involve the analysis of a variety of economic factors and their effects on business. They might include: consumer activity such as spending patterns, economic variables such as inflation, and government policy such as exchange rates. Fixed and variable costs of the business and the effect of changes in product and labour markets. Other economic factors include income growth, debt saving levels (which impact available money) and consumer business confidence. Increased security methods may include real-time CCTV cameras and hidden cameras around the store to reduce pilferage; this can be mainly located by the cashier tills, as it is highly likely consumers could cause nuisance around these areas. Production methods may introduce, faster production, meaning products are out in the market much quicker and a cheaper price. In addition quality is not sacrificed. Production methods will make producing quicker and possible with a higher quality level. Giving way to the innovation of products. Although with this new advancement I will need staff that can use it e.g. EPOS till ware and also the capital to by and or train people to use it. Green issues involve the interest of the organisations and its interaction with the environment. We need to monitor how we treat the environment with production methods especially, in order to comply with the current laws. Target Audience The SUBWAY chains target market is adults between the ages of 18 and 49 who eat quick meals and are looking for good-tasting options. Also, the SUBWAY chain wants to increase its consideration set among frequent fast-food consumers who lead an active lifestyle and are seeking a balance of nutrition, taste, and value. The target audience is an important factor when setting up my business, as I will be relying on this to make my business a success. My business is a sandwich store that sells food, food is one of the five basic needs and this means that everyone needs food in order to survive. Although this is the case it doesnt mean everyone will eat the food that I will provide. For example young children will not come to my shop to eat large subs so therefore I will need to attract them by selling them a specially tailored kids meal containing simple food with everything inside. In this way I am maximizing my target range. Here is a plan about how I hope to attract other age groups: Young Children: I will be selling them the KidsPak consisting of simple food with a small sub sandwich with different choices of fillings called Deli-Style Sandwiches and a drink. Teens: I hope to encourage teens to my shop by selling a delicious variety of sub sandwich fillings of their choice, promoting certain menus such as 7 under 6 with less than 6 grams of fat. Also selling sweet desserts such as cookies. Adult: I plan on encouraging adults who are fast-food consumers, who lead an active lifestyle and are seeking a balance of nutrition, taste, and value. For example a great choice of salads for those who are watching their calories. Healthy, nutritious meals for those who are health conscious will be available rather then going to stores where fast-food is full of fat such as McDonalds. If they want to eat something during their break at work, a quick meal is available at Subway. Business Structure I choose to do a privately held franchise as all Subway ® outlets are franchised and there are no company-owned units. I feel my business will face less risk if I open a franchise. I can benefit from a Subway experience and enjoy it. I feel my enthusiasm will reflect upon my customers. Another reason why I have chosen to open a franchise into Subway is that in the US it has been voted franchiser of the year by Entrepreneur magazine in all categories, in the past 11 years out of 15 years. Despite that it is the fastest growing franchise in the world (see appendix) with an estimated 25,000 stores worldwide in 2005, bearing in mind that in year 2000 there was only 14,662 stores. Now Subway has beaten the number McDonalds outlets in the US, which is astonishing and the main headlines. With people like Jared who has made Subway even more successful by eating a diet only based on Subway, he has gained his desired weight and distributed what his diet consisted to the public, making Subway even more profitable. From this enormous approval, hundreds of children have decided to improve their quality of life by adopting healthy habits. I have chosen to become a sole trader, because I think it is the best option in my position. I feel I havent enough capital and experience to become a private limited company, and this option is not really open to me if I were go into a franchise. I like to run the business to my satisfaction, and this reflects my decision to open as a sole trader. Market Research: Primary Research Questionnaire as primary research is a lot cheaper, as I am only starting up a business and will not have a lot of capital. Hard to justify bank loan for primary research and can be a waste of money. I will not send any questionnaires out to people as may not receive them back. I will actually approach people in certain areas and ask them questions myself. Means I will get a straight answer rather than bias and have full concentration of interviewee. Analysis of Questionnaire: Question 1- What gender are you? It is essential to know the gender of the person to recognize which one visits the restaurant the most. It will allow me to establish the target market or audience. I can find out trends such as whether more males or females enjoy eating sandwiches. From this I can concentrate more on that particular target market determined. Question 2- In what age range are you? Age would be essential to see whether children would purchase a kids meal that is available at Subway. If I know this, I can effectively cater my advertising to them. From this it will give me a clearer picture of the answer instead of a biased or narrow one. Asking this question will allow me to find out what the target market is. From the established franchise Subway, it mentions how the target market is adults between the ages of 18 and 39- specifically students and families with young children. Question 3- Which borough do you live in? I need to know which borough the potential customer is living to find out if the Subway franchise would best be located in a borough where people know what a Subway Restaurant is. This will increase sales to those potential customers who are loyal to this well-known brand. This will enable me to find out how far they live from chosen location and if their answer will have valid information. There is no point locating my Subway in an area where most cannot reach or locating it where customers have never heard of a Subway brand. Question 4- Have you ever heard of a Subway Sandwich Restaurant? Obviously, in this question I will be able to find out if the customer actually knows what a Subway is and whether they really need to carry out the other questions relevant to the franchise. If they have ever heard of this franchise then they can refer to question 12 and to answer questions only on a basis of sandwiches and not to the franchise itself. Question 5- Have you ever visited one? This will ask whether they have visited a subway, as I need to know whether they are actually familiar with the franchises prices, meals available and food. This will give me an answer that is genuine and not made of assumptions and predictions. If the customer has visited a Subway then this question can be linked to answers requiring their knowledge of a Subway for example their favourite fillings that follows on from this question. Question 6- How often do you eat in sandwich bars? I would need to know how often the customer eats in sandwich bars to meet demand. This will also help me decide how many times I can change special offers available in store depending on how much they visit the store. This along with the question about your age will help me to find out what type of person is able to travel to sandwich bars or my franchise on a daily basis. These people will be my main focus, who I will be promoting to, as these are the people who will be going to my shop a lot. Question 7- What opening hours should a new sandwich bar have? I would like to see which hours are preferable for the potential customer so they can visit it at their chosen time. Question 8 How much would you spend on a meal in a sandwich bar? This will allow me to allocate a price for a typical average meal in Subway. I would also be able to see if consumers are willing to purchase high-priced goods. Or if they choose the option where they want to pay a low price. I will judge my prices based on this. Question 9 Which fillings do you prefer the most in your sub sandwich? Allow me to determine what is the most popular filling to the customers choice and for me to determine which filling will be most in demand. Therefore I can stock up on the most popular fillings ready for the huge demand. I can make sure there is enough supply, during the first few months. From my answers I can then use the fillings as a focal point when advertising to consumer. It will also help me find out which filling I will need to buy the most of. Question 10 Would you like it to be a takeaway or eat in Restaurant? I would like to see whether accommodation for sitting in store needs to be provided or not depending on the results from the survey. From then suitable costs will be established on refurbishment of accommodation sitting. Question 11 Where do you find out special deals about Subway? If the potential customer has many responses to this question, I will then be able to promote deals in the first few months to attract customers to my franchise. Those special deals will be promoted in different ways in the advertising sector e.g.- leaflet drop-ins and newspaper. This question is to help me find out the best way of advertising. By finding out which of the existing methods used by Subway is the most effective. By doing this I will be able to use this method when advertising my business. Question 12- When buying a sandwich what places do you prefer to visit? This will help me identify my local competitors. Those are stores that actually sell sandwich products e.g.- Greggs. I need to know the main reason why customers go to Subway to see whether they have actually heard of a Subway and have given a genuine reason not based on assumptions. By identifying the sandwich stores they visit, I can begin a list of my local competitors. Question 13- Why do you go to Subway, or any other sandwich store? I asked this question to give me a prediction of why people choose Subway over other competitors. Also whether the majority of my sales are based on impulse buying, something that businesses cannot rely on heavily to cover costs, or treats or groceries. Rather it will give me an angle to push my sale at e.g. if for impulse buying I will advertise snacks instead of heavy food. Question 14- Do you enjoy sandwiches as a healthy alternative from other junk foods? This will allow me to reckon whether they really find sandwiches a healthy alternative to junk foods and if they prefer eating this nutritious meal from burgers or pizzas. I would be able to see if sandwiches are a popular good to buy. Question 15- Are you vegetarian, or dont eat certain meats? My market is low fat in nature. If a lot of my customers are vegetarian, I can introduce no meat sandwiches. This goes the same for Halal meats. If I experience a low number of people eating meats, than instead of buying Halal meats, which are expensive, I can introduce more vegetarian meals to cater for there needs. 16. Are you conscience about the amount of calories or amount of fat you eat? Although all my products are low in fat, this answer can help me to gain awareness. My pronouncing that my products are all low in fat, people who have answered this question yes, will seek out my product, because of its low in fat nature. Recommendation: These external factors that affect my business can have a positive effect, however, I believe in the short-term will have a negative effect. For example, in light of technological improvements, my business will need to have money, to take a